
Why we give
Why We Give

As God has given to us abundantly, we can give with joy!

God invites us to partner with Him in His ministry of making disciples and transforming the world. Our financial giving — whether it is regular tithes or additional gifts — is not only an expression of thankfulness and worship unto God, but also an act of faith that God will provide and equip His church for His mission.

Your gift propels us toward our vision and enables our church to respond swiftly with obedience to God’s calling. We invite you to contribute to this vision and to play a vital role in what God is doing!

Ways To Give

Two Simple Ways to Give

When giving, please always use your legal name and provide the same email address consistently

Give Online

*There is a processing fee for online transactions (2.2% + $0.30 for credit and debit card transactions. $0.25 for bank account ACH deductions).

Give Now
Give By Mail

Harvest Mission
Community Church
928 E Ann St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

*Giving by mail may take an additional 1-2 weeks to process mailed checks.

Personal information is kept confidential, used only for tax receipt purposes, and is only accessible by the Stewardship Team. If you have any questions, please email

HMCC is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States. Year-end giving reports will be issued every January.

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