
Mar 1st, 2025 - Mar 2nd, 2025


Gather25 is a 25 hour, global gathering of the church where believers across the world will come together online to pray, repent, worship, and discover how the love of Jesus is transforming the world through everyday people. There will be seven core sessions across continents, with each session including stories, teaching, and worship from multiple locations. There will also be never-before-heard stories of the persecuted church. More details on the event, including additional background and the schedule, can be found at

At HMCC Ann Arbor, we will participate by live streaming a majority of the sessions in the T-Center Sanctuary (everything except 12 AM - 8 AM, March 1). Lunch and light refreshments will be provided. We invite you to prayerfully consider attending, whether it be joining us in the T-Center for one or all of the sessions. To help us prepare, we ask you to fill out the form using the button above if you plan to attend at the T-Center Sanctuary.


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