About Us

Our Story

Transforming lives,
Transforming the world.

Harvest Mission Community Church began in 1996 with a group of eight people and a dream: to be a 1st-century church in the 21st century. As we looked into the book of Acts, God gave us the vision to be a community of faith that raises up bold disciples of Christ who will transform the world.

We planted our roots on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor with a focus of reaching college students, because we believe that college is a pivotal time for people to discover their God-given purpose. Over the years, our ministry has expanded to encompass people from different walks of life—from infants and youth, to single adults and married couples, to international students and families.

Although the composition of our church may continue to change, our mission will always remain the same. We desire to see people’s lives transformed, redirected to God's purposes, and set out to transform the world for the glory of God.

What we are called to do

Our mission

To transform lost people into Christ's disciples who will then transform the world.

Our Values


To be connected with God and anointed by His Spirit, in order to hear His direction and step out in faith to minister to His people with His power.

To develop people to their full potential and in Christ-like character in order to impact their spheres of influence and increase the spread of the Gospel to future generations.

To make the decision to go through discomforts and difficulties, in order to develop understanding and delight in people from a different culture.

To willingly come together as a diverse group of people to experience and live out the Gospel, in order to fulfill God's purposes.

To be a visible display and viable demonstration of God's Kingdom by stewarding our God-given spiritual gift(s), resources and experiences to build God's Church and transform the world.

To obey and fulfill the Great Commission through the local church, which God has established so that we can be witnesses and servants of His redemptive purpose.

To invite people to join us in the lifestyle of the Kingdom by imitating Christ, teaching people to obey Him, and imparting Biblical values.
Our Leadership

Meet Our Elders

Rev. Pete Dahlem

Rev. Pete Dahlem

Lead Pastor
Josh Yang

Josh Yang

Associate Pastor
Dave Yon

Dave Yon

Seong Park

Seong Park

Our Beliefs

What We Believe

We believe in one God eternally existing in three divine persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is the Creator of all things, is perfect in love and holiness, and is worthy of all worship and devotion. He sovereignly rules over all things and brings about his eternal purposes to redeem his lost people and restore his fallen creation.

We believe that Jesus Christ, being fully God and fully human, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He was tempted as we are, but lived a holy life without sin. He died on the cross as an atoning sacrifice to pay for our sin and rebellion, making peace between lost humanity and our holy God through his shed blood. He rose again in victory over death, and ascended to the Father where he intercedes for us and waits to return and make all things new. Through faith in Jesus Christ alone, we are restored to relationship with God and given the gift of eternal life.

We believe in the person and power of the Holy Spirit, who inspired the holy scriptures, glorifies Jesus Christ, and convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. It is the work of the Spirit to indwell and regenerate believers, granting adoption and spiritual life. The Holy Spirit continues his work by granting spiritual gifts and sanctifying, instructing, guiding, and empowering believers.

We believe that God has revealed himself to the world through the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, which is the only written word of God. The Bible is divinely inspired, authoritative, and without error in all that it affirms, and is the supreme source of truth for faith and living. God also reveals himself through his creation and through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, in alignment with the scriptures.

We believe that God created human beings, male and female, in his own image. Humanity is called to multiply and fill the earth as God's image bearers and representatives, to steward the created world, and to live in loving fellowship with God.

We believe that our forebears, Adam and Eve, fell into Satan's temptation by disobeying God's command, and were thus separated from fellowship with God and rendered spiritually dead by their sin. As a result, all of humanity is in need of salvation from our sins that can only come by the grace and mercy of God through his Son Jesus Christ.

We believe that the Church is the bride of Christ who he shed his blood to save, and is made up of all people who through saving faith in Jesus have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and are united together as Christ's body. Jesus is the head of his universal Church, which is manifested in local churches. The Church together lives out Christ's commands and pursues his mission in the world.

We believe in the visible, personal, glorious, imminent return of Jesus Christ, His bodily resurrection of the dead, the judgment of the just and the unjust, and the fulfillment of Christ's Kingdom in the new heavens and the new earth. Then shall the eager expectation of creation be fulfilled and the whole earth shall proclaim the glory of God who makes all things new.


HMCC of Ann Arbor's Theological Distinctives are views that we firmly hold to as a church and that our elders are convinced of their truthfulness and biblical support, but we also do not expect that everyone will agree on all of these distinctives.

How we aspire to live

Our vision

Becoming a transcultural spiritual family reaching our neighbors, the nations, and the next generation.

Our Strategy

The 3G's: Gather, Grow, Go


Go: Personal Mission & Team-Based Mission

Jesus calls us to continue his mission until every nation is reached. We live this out through relational evangelism to those around us and abroad in various ways:
  • Supported Missionaries
  • Local Organization Partnerships
  • Short-term Missions Teams
  • Evangelism Training

Grow: Life-on-Life & Equipping

We believe that people grow to maturity in biblical community where the gospel is radically lived out.
  • In Life groups, we practice our faith, study the Bible, pray together, and build life-on-life discipleship relationships.
  • School of Transformation classes provide training and growth opportunities that support the process of disciple-making across our church.
  • Men's and Women's Ministries bring the church together across life-stages to study how to live out our lives for the Gospel.

Gather: Corporate Gatherings & Community Gatherings

We gather as the family of God to celebrate what God has done and is doing in our community, to preach and teach the word of God, to serve the Lord with our spiritual gifts, time, and energy, and to seek God in prayer for our church and the world around us. These gatherings include:
  • Weekly Gatherings (Sunday Celebration, Prayer Gathering, Encounter)
  • Special Events (Retreats, Conferences)
  • Ministry Teams
3G's: Gather, Grow, Go
HMI Project
Our Partners

Harvest Mission International (HMI)

As Christ has called us to ‘make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19), we value the importance of the local church making an impact in its surrounding community for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Similar to the early church seen in the Book of Acts, we believe in doing missions through planting churches.

It is our desire to establish and raise up visible local bodies of Christ’s followers who are witnesses to their own communities. Specifically, we seek to target cities with viable college campuses as students are the future leaders of our world. As a church reaches a campus, we believe that it will begin to impact the community, the city, and ultimately, the nations.

Currently HMI is involved in short-term projects both locally and internationally. Starting in Ann Arbor, HMI now has church plants in Austin, Jakarta, Tangerang, Hong Kong, and Detroit.

Our Global Mission

Multiplying churches in campuses and cities to transform the next generation among the nations.

Feedback Form for Pastors and Elders

This form is for people connected to Harvest Mission Community Church of Ann Arbor to be able to submit questions, concerns, issues, or suggestions to the pastors and elders.

Please note: the name and email questions are optional, but if forms are submitted anonymously, it may be more difficult to follow up on some types of concerns.